Conditions of use:
By logging in to this site you agree to the following conditions of use :
The Customer acknowledges that it has tested the product at time of purchase and that the product is in good working order for the Customers purposes. It is the responsibility of the Customer to maintain the product and keep the product in good working order. The Supplier is not responsible for any misuse or improper use by the Customer, whose responsibility it is to ensure that the product is used properly.
In all other respects the Supplier’s legal responsibility to the Customer is limited as follows:
1 Subject to clause 2 all other warranties and conditions that may be implied by law are expressly excluded.
2 Nothing in this agreement will operate so as to exclude, restrict or modify the Suppliers liability for any breach of any warranty or condition implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974 or any similar relevant state or territory legislation. Where the Supplier is liable for breach of any such warranty or condition its liability shall be limited in the case of supply of goods to repair or supply of equivalent goods (at the option of the Supplier) and in the case of supply of services to supplying the services again.
3 To the full extent permitted by law, the Supplier shall not be liable for any consequential losses including lost production, revenue, profits, data, goodwill, penalties and fines.
4 To the full extent permitted by law, the liability of the Supplier to the Customer arising out of or in connection with this agreement (including liability for breach of contract, negligence, under any indemnity of for breach of any law) shall not exceed the amount paid by the Customer to the Supplier for the goods or services which gave rise to the liability.
Intellectual Property / License Arrangement
Fleet Logistics owns a considerable amount of Intellectual Property. The Company values the Intellectual Property it has developed in software, hardware, firmware, services and design.
By entering into a purchase agreement with Fleet Logistics you are Licensed to use the Fleet Logistics Software and Firmware (charged as an annual subscription), however you may not attempt to copy or re-engineer the Firmware or Software for any purposes whatsoever, including for the purpose of selling this technology to third party organisations.
GPS technology solutions are dependant on services provided by Telecommunications and Satellite providers. Ezy2c is not responsible for any service issues related to the Telecommunications or Satellite providers.